The Family Book
Writen by Karen Holford
- Publisher
- Categories Family & Relationships
This book shares the nuts and bolts of being a successful marriage partner and parent. It is intended to help you reflect upon, and consider, your own family, with its unique needs and skills. You are the expert on your family. Why not browse among the pages of this book and take what is helpful to you, and leave the rest for another day? The 173-page, full-color book covers: The Biblical foundations of the family Parenting, including love, conflict management and communication Helping your family to grow spiritually Family worship, prayer and things to do together Building a strong marriage, including preparation for marriage and secrets of a successful marriage Reaching out to other relationships Creating a welcoming home How to be a great grandparent AIDS and the family
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Donec suscipit porta lorem eget condimentum. Morbi vitae mauris in leo venenatis varius. Aliquam nunc enim, egestas ac dui in, aliquam vulputate erat.
Donec suscipit porta lorem eget condimentum. Morbi vitae mauris in leo venenatis varius. Aliquam nunc enim, egestas ac dui in, aliquam vulputate erat.
Donec suscipit porta lorem eget condimentum. Morbi vitae mauris in leo venenatis varius. Aliquam nunc enim, egestas ac dui in, aliquam vulputate erat.